The Internet

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Ah, the internet. At the dawn of the internet era it was clear that something magnificent was here with the potential to change the world, but it wasn't clear to what sector, or to what people. Today, it's become abundantly clear, that those who will be impacted in the long term are everyone and every thing. The remarkable scalability of the internet is also incredible to consider.

That the system of pipes that went from delivering the static hypertext pages that the early-mid 90s to a few million people (which seemed huge at the time), to the globe-spanning, HD streaming, real-time videoing world of billions is incredible.

My Background

It was 1995 and I was 10, and via MSN, which back then was a decent dial-up internet service provider (and a PC-centric alternative to AOL, with more class than CompuServe). I had first gotten access to the internet and in South Korea, I became part of the 0.4% and rapidly growing share of the world that was connected to each other via the then-named "information superhighway". MSN was mostly still a published experience.