Main Page

From Skyrien Wiki
Revision as of 12:57, 13 July 2015 by Skyrien (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to SkyrienWiki! I am @skyrien, and this is my online knowledge base. Over the course of time, I hope to turn this into something useful, or at least, something uniquely interesting.

This wiki serves three main functions:

  1. Online directory and reference for all public components of
  2. Presentation and discussion of my worldview and experiences
  3. Flatter representation of and repository for my blog

One day, I imagine it will have lots of content, but for now, it's just a few pages.


Be advised: As an extension of my blog, I expect this wiki's style to take on an opinionated, personal flavor, so please be aware that (most) of these views are solely my own, and not representative of their topic or any other formal affiliation. Though I strive for correctness, given that I am my own editor, the presence of errors is not impossible, and I make no guarantees of the accuracy of anything written here. For any business requiring anything more than my personal form of truthiness, I recommend conducting your own fact-checking. After all, this is the internet. :)