Autobiographical content

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I guess my autobiography has to start somewhere, right? And I bet it would be rather difficult to write it without taking notes on life as I went along. Here, I will write a narrated perspective of events in my life. I probably will not not write this in chronological order, but they will be put in the appropriate context. Over time, a more complete picture will emerge.

A note on accuracy: This section is likely to be a perpetual draft, and much of it before the present is constructed from what I can recall, personal writings, interviews, and other sources and accounts. Beyond this, as I'm writing this to be a heavily written from the memory of my experience of these memories. Inaccuracies, alternate interpretations, and new conclusions based on uncovered information are wholly possible and over time, likely. And as is intended, as I expect our own interpretation of history, values, and our experience of them will likely evolve over time as well. Be that as it may, I will still strive for factual accuracy whenever possible, and when presenting a conflicting idea, will identify the conflict and clarify salient differences.

By Age

I've experienced that in life, there are long periods of seeming stasis, and then everything changes at once. I keep thinking of the term 'punctuated equilibrium' to analogize about this phenomenon. In any case, I've attempted to divide the sections into meaningful logical chunks, but it may shift over time.

Before 1985: History

Tectonic shifts in geopolitics have occurred over the span of our parents' and grandparents' lifetimes. When I have the opportunity to meet distant or long disconnected extended family, I've used it to expand my knowledge of my family's story across the world. It's quite fascinating how much history has been lived by those closest to us.

Coming from Asia, much of their story are influenced by the tensions and conflicts of the region, particularly in and around Korea in the early 20th century due to imperial aspirations of Japan resulting in WWII, the partition of Korea, and the Korean War. Beyond this, how my parents' generation found their way to America is another chapter entirely, one that writes the personal story of one Asian-American immigrant family. I will write relevant findings here and in the family history page.

1985-1995: Birth and Early Childhood

This first period covers birth to the end of early-childhood at Age 10. It starts at the time I was born in Korea, and the entirety of my time in the US before my family moved back to Korea in 1995. Looking back, I realize that this period was a hugely formative period for the fostering of my core values, joys, and intrinsic curiosity.

My parents euphemistically note that I liked to "deconstruct" things to see how they worked. Basically, I'd like to take things apart, particularly mechanical and electrical things (projectors, monitors, computers, motors, etc...) to examine their workings. I was also given access to my dad's PC pretty early, at around the age of 6, and quickly mastered DOS enough to basically be the tech guy at home.

My relationship with language was always interesting, and that started early. Toward the beginning, my vocabulary and language was somewhat Korean-focused, given it was what I spoke at home. As a result, I ended up going to ESL while in kindergarten, which was actually an enlightening experience. Later on, I developed a huge fondness for reading, and quickly became very fluent (aided by media that encouraged me to learn more).

I was rather socially awkward, though given how often my family moved, I took it in stride and developed a sense of adapting to new situations. Some of this would backfire and result in a search for identity in my second decade, but at this time, it helped me to see society as a system that I could come to understand, but only after some trial and error. And the quality of education varied from place to place. Looking back, I realize that where you go to school absolutely shapes the kind of person you become, and the sense of possibility afforded to you. I was fortunate to have landed in places that encouraged personal development, but not all places were and I can imagine entire generations of kids lost due to unavailability of quality education.


  • Green used to be my favorite color, at least until kindergarten. Then around the age of 9-10, I started to love the ocean, water, and the color blue.
  • Star Trek came into my life pretty early, and I was a fan by age 7. It all started with me accidentally renting 'Star Trek VI', instead of 'Star Wars'. While it wasn't the sci-fi/fantasy/space opera that Star Wars was, I was sold on the future-oriented vision of peace, the cool effects, and the politics, which echoed some of the Cold War detente that my dad had tried to explain to me when the Soviet Union was dissolved. Levar Burton played my favorite character, chief engineer Geordi LaForge, on TNG and I carefully followed it till the series finale which aired on my birthday in 1994. One effect was on my vocabulary, where at school, I was using words and style of speech learnt while watching TNG in my speech and writing, which teachers thought highly. In one example, I got in trouble once in fourth grade for saying "hell", as in "What the hell?" clearly echoing Riker's flabbergast moment from the TNG episode the night before. I can't quite tell if things were just more language-strict in the 90s or if its just because I was younger.
  • Once I came in contact with a PC, I never let go. By my late 0s, I was solidly a PC gamer; SimAnt was the first game I ever bought, and by the end of this period my favorite games were Doom, Simcity 2000, and underrated adventure game, Star Trek: A Final Unity. Not that I was opposed to consoles--the first game I ever played was on the NES, and had Sega Genesis and thoroughly enjoyed games like Sonic and Ecco, and had loved the original StarFox on SNES. Still, I loved the depth of control and richness that PC games afforded, also the fact that it appealed to a more educated, mature audience. I liked that, and that paid off hugely for me.
  • By all standards, I read a lot, though a lot of it was fluff. I really enjoyed picking books from Scholastic catalogs, and in my early years, read stuff like the series like the Bernstein Bears, the Boxcar children, later reading books like Goosebumps and periodicals that my parents would read such as Time magazine and Popular Mechanics. Events like Walk-A-Thons for reading also encouraged a great deal of exploration in my language arts.
  • I had an odd fondness for antique stores--there was on in Capron that I would frequent, and I'd find trinkets worth <$1.
  • I got an allowance as a kid, for doing household chores. I feel it was an excellent way to reward constructive work ethic, while also developing a child's sense of money as capital.
  • I got lost in a cornfield once for almost 2 hours when I was 9--rather terrifying at the time, but an epic adventure looking back. I eventually found my way back when I realized I could use the direction of the shadows to follow a path back to where I had started.
  • I had my first PC during this time, a 386SX 16MHz / 4MB / 60 MB / 3.5" 1.44MB / 2400 baud modem. My dad told me when he bought it, it was a whopping $3,000, with the upgraded RAM, which he needed for school work. Insane to think of today, but that's the rig that I learned DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.1.
  • By the end of the decade, I was badly in need of a new PC, and I started plotting what kind of PC I could 'encourage' my family to get next...

By Age

1995-2004: Late Childhood/Early Adolescence

This period covers late childhood to early adolescence. It includes the entirety of my time in Korea (1995-2000) and return to the United States from junior high to early college.

By Age

  • 10-12 - Korea (Elementary)
  • 13-14 - Korea (Middle)
  • 15-18 - US (Jr High-High)

2004-2015: Late Adolescence/Early Adulthood

This period covers the late adolescence of college and the start of independent adult life.

By Age

2015-2025: The Fourth Decade

This fourth decade is now just getting started as I've turned 30, and promises much to come.

By Age

Future (2016-2085)

These are ages yet to come. Detail will be added over time.

By Age

... ... ...

The end? (2085-2101?)

I've taken a number life expectancy tests over the years, and kept tabs on my overall health. Generally, these simple non-scientific online tests have given me numbers between 92-100, so for mental convenience, I've just kept 100 in mind (though I'm really pushing for at least 115 :)); thus means I would live to around 2085. This means I'd get to see the bulk of the 21st century come to pass, and unless I screw up badly, will have left a dent to last longer than that.

Excellent - Bring Life On! :)