
From Skyrien Wiki
Revision as of 11:50, 13 July 2015 by Skyrien (talk | contribs) (→‎Logo)
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SkyrienWiki is an experiment that I started in July 12th, 2015. The primary goal of this wiki is to provide a flat repository for my thoughts and writings. My secondary goal is to learn to manage MediaWiki, and manage the infrastructure requirements that come with scale. Clearly, as a personal site, I don't expect a large deal of traffic, and this system is currently hosted in a shared instance LAMP server managed by DreamHost.


A while back, I realized that I had accumulated a vast array of information throughout life, scattered in various locations (papers, apps, memories, textbooks, articles, internet tidbits, etc...), and found it often difficult to recall the exact piece of information when I wanted it. Thanks to the digital era, much of my mind has been "outsourced" to media such as OneNote, Evernote, MindMeister, and other tools, but ultimately, these were internal, transient representations of my thoughts. Good for me, but how can it be made more useful?

Well, we all know that good can come of the internet and open-source culture, so, with high hopes for "something interesting", on July 10th, 2015, I started Skyrien Wiki, as a personal epistemological experiment. I've never self-hosted a wiki before (Sharepoint, yes; self-hosted MediaWiki, no), so I figured it's time to. But alas, with so much great information in the world, what can I offer here? This being the internet, I think it's time to experiment.

This is not meant to compete with any general knowledge wiki, such as Wikipedia, which represents some of the best of what the internet can be, but rather, it's a personal wiki, a playground of ideas. I imagine, it will consist of content of my own ideas and writing.

Perhaps in the future, editing will be made public... when the internet proves ready...



I planned to start the wiki in a very top-down approach, creating categories based on what I plan to post and then posting articles. However, I've realized that a Wiki (and the internet as a whole) has a much more interesting hidden hierarchy based on inbound/outbound links, which creates a natural flow of ideas and content. So, I'm changing my strategy to make an attempt to start new pages off of old ones, traversing and expanding the graph as I do so, but in a much more bottom-up way. Ultimately, the richest atomic entity in a wiki is the "article", so this will allow a focus on complete articles.


My blog has gone through much evolution over the years decades, and I expect it to continue to do so. I typically employ a first-person narrative, present/past-tense, descriptive prose with a good dose of internet culture.

Future Content

I've been brainstorming various purposes for a personal wiki, but haven't yet decided on what content to start with. I want to start an open 3d printed content repository site, to counter the censorship imposed by existing entities today. Perhaps MediaWiki would be a viable platform for that.