
From Skyrien Wiki
Revision as of 10:05, 12 July 2015 by Skyrien (talk | contribs) (Created page with "SkyrienWiki is an experiment that I started in July 12th, 2015. The primary goal of this wiki is to provide a flat repository for my thoughts and writings. My secondary goal i...")
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SkyrienWiki is an experiment that I started in July 12th, 2015. The primary goal of this wiki is to provide a flat repository for my thoughts and writings. My secondary goal is to learn to manage MediaWiki, and manage the infrastructure requirements that come with scale. Clearly, as a personal site, I don't expect a large deal of traffic, and this system is currently hosted in a shared instance LAMP server managed by DreamHost.


I planned to start the wiki in a very top-down approach, creating categories based on what I plan to post and then posting articles. However, I've realized that a Wiki (and the internet as a whole) has a much more interesting hidden hierarchy based on inbound/outbound links, which creates a natural flow of ideas and content. So, I'm changing my strategy to make an attempt to start new pages off of old ones, traversing and expanding the graph as I do so, but in a much more bottom-up way. Ultimately, the richest atomic entity in a wiki is the "article", so this will allow a focus on complete articles.


My blog has gone through much evolution over the years decades, and I expect it to continue to do so. I typically employ a first-person narrative, present/past-tense, descriptive prose with a good dose of internet culture.